Joseph Dayton Bascom July 2, 1849 - 1928
Ancestry letter written by Joseph D Bascom
Bascom Cemetery Pictures - Bellfontaine
Brad Bascoms Family Reunions
Joseph D Bascom founded Broderick and Bascom Rope Company with John James Broderick.
He was the 6th generation descendent from Thomas Bascom, an Englishman who settled in dorchester, Mass in 1634. He married mary Magdalene Frederick in 1878. In 1867, young Joseph D Bascom, then bill clerk for the St Louis Railway Supply Company found, in John J. Broderick, the company's shipping clerk, a kinderd spirit of the hand-ball court. Teh bond thus formed, let to the establishment, eight yeard later, of the Broderick & Bascom Rope Company, since gorwn to an international institution and of which at the time of demise Mr Bascom was Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Please email me if you are from the Bascom family. I have very little information on the Joseph D Bascom family, and would love to hear from you.
Brad Bascom writes
Brad's email
Brad's facebook Page on Reunions
My relationship to Joseph D. Bascom is remote. We are 4th cousins, 4 generations removed. |
From Susie Szynalski |
Brad Bascom writes, "Susie's connection is 3rd cousins 3 times removed in an entirely different line. So Isaac R. Bascom was 3rd cousins to Joseph Dayton Bascom and I'm pretty certain they did not know that themselves."
The letter (from Joseph Bascom to "Mrs Ruth Bascom" was one written to Joseph by my great Uncle Richard asking about the family lineage.
My people, both sides of my maternal lineage, were all traveling operators during the late 1800's and early 1900's. (We're a very mechanical bunch) They traveled to WI, IA, S Dak, all over on Huge floating dredges Sometimes they lived in tents, sometimes the dredges had house boats and the whole family would go. My aunts were cooks for the crews. It was a unique form of life and rough. I wonder if they used Broderick and Bascom cable on those dredges! What a hook up that would be! Susie
I belive the guy flying thru the air was jumping in for a swim, based on the name of the photo. ~Jeanne
Genevieve F. Niessen
Medford, MA |
Joseph D Bascom wrote a letter to Genevieve's Great Aunt Ruth. Letter is here |